"Diete ne delujejo in morali bi se jih znebiti za vedno," pravi dietetičarka in nutricionistka

20. 2. 2021
"Diete ne delujejo in morali bi se jih znebiti za vedno," pravi dietetičarka in nutricionistka (foto: profimedia)

Koliko diet ste že preizkusili in kolikokrat ste se znašli med redkimi srečneži, ki po končani dieti težo obdržijo? Nutricionistka pravi, da diet v resnici ne potrebujemo.

Morda ste tudi sami že kdaj preizkusili nekaj dnevno dieto, ki obljublja izgubo odvečnih kilogramov in utrjeno telo, temelji pa seveda na stradanju ali enoličnem jedilniku. Zares lahko izgubite nekaj teže, ampak se bo ta slej ko prej vrnila in verjetno bo tehtnica pokazala višjo številko kot pred dieto. 

Dalina Soto je dietetičarka in nutricionistka, ki pravi, da diet ne potrebujemo in se jih niti ne bi smeli lotiti. Nenavadno prepričanje za dietetičarko, kajne? Dalina v svojih objavah na družbenih omrežjih pojasnjuje, zakaj nas diete pravzaprav pritegnejo in koliko denarja prinese wellnes industrija (kamor sodi tudi prehrana). 

"Če bi diete morale delovati, zakaj do sedaj še niso?" je zapisano na njeni tabli. 
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Yesterday my client said to me: “I can’t believe I was bamboozled by diets for so long” and after we laughed about her usage of the word “bamboozled” 😂 we simmered down and talked about it. ⠀ ⠀ The diet/wellness industry is a $72 billion industry that prays on your insecurities. ⠀ ⠀ They tell you that if you do XYZ you will have self confidence and love your body. ⠀ ⠀ But in reality what they do is tell you to be super restrictive causing your body to think you’re in a famine AND in turn it increases your food thoughts to the point where you feel obsessed. ⠀ ⠀ And when your body cannot take it any more, you lose “willpower”. Then the diet people turn around and tell you: welp. We told you what to do. You didn’t. It’s your fault. ⠀ ⠀ When in reality; your body did what it needed to do to keep you alive. ⠀ ⠀ But you don’t see that. Because all you see is the before and after pics of “random” success stories. But do they follow these success stories for a few months? Because if they did; you’d notice that almost everyone that lost the weight. Gained it back and some. ⠀ And you fall back into the trap of wanting to shrink yourself all while your body just wants to LIVE comfortably at its weight set point. ⠀ ⠀ Chula, I won’t sell you a before or after picture. What I will do is coach you to learn how NOT be bamboozled by diet culture so that YOU can find your health. You can find your weight set point. And you can enjoy life again and respect your body for all it does for you. Because there’s more to life than shrinking yourself. ⠀ ⠀ And I won’t sit here and say that you won’t ever have diet thoughts again. But I will tell you that you will have the tools that will help you swat away the thoughts; because you know better. ⠀ ⠀ Check out the link in my bio. Apply to my group program and join a group of Chulas who are also learning to nourish and respect their bodies. ✨link in bio✨

A post shared by Dalina | Anti Diet Dietitian (@your.latina.nutritionist) on

"Ne bom vam prodala slik "prej in potem". Namesto tega vas bom naučila, kako ne nasesti dietam, da lahko končno odkrijete svoje zdravje. Potem boste lahko ponovno uživali v življenju in spoštovali svoje telo, saj za vas naredi ogromno dela. Življenje je veliko več  od diet."

V videu navaja tudi 5 razlogov, zakaj se ni vredno držati diet: 
  1. Telo prepričajo, da stradate. 
  2. Povzročijo prenajedanje. 
  3. Povečajo potrebo po vam ljubih jedeh (npr. sladkarijah). 
  4. Ne morete se jih držati na dolgi rok. 
  5. Vplivajo na mentalno zdravje. 
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Double tap if you agree! . . Ugh diets. They are everywhere. Being disguised as “lifestyle” changes or just simply completely cutting out food groups, you just can’t seem to get away from them. Here’s the thing, we ALL know diets don’t work but somehow we all want them to work. We want to be the successful ones. We want to be the 5% that kept the weight off and we fight HARD to to them right. . . And when we fail we feel like 💩 but chula it isn’t you. Is was never you. The diet and weight loss industry banks on you failing so that they can profit on you for years. They want you to continue to buy their shakes, or the frozen meals they can mail to you weekly. OR their point system that trick you into eating low calorie foods. . Whatever the case maybe. You’re never in control, they are. . Chula if you’re looking to be in control of your body, your hunger, your life. Check out my 1:1 Program. I help latinas like you get your life back! ✨link in bio✨

A post shared by Dalina | Anti Diet Dietitian (@your.latina.nutritionist) on

"Diete nas obkrožajo na vsakem koraku, zamaskirane kot življenjske spremembe ali preprosto izločevanje določenih skupin hrane, od katerih se težko ločite. Vsi vemo, da diete ne delujejo, vendar si vseeno želimo, da bi. Hočemo uspeti. Hočemo biti med 5 % srečnežev, ki so ohranili težo po hujšanju. 

Ko nam ne uspe, se počutimo precej slabo. Ampak veste kaj, niste krivi vi. Nikoli niste bili krivi sami. Industrija hujšanja temelji na vašem neuspehu, da imajo lahko več let od vas dobiček. Želijo, da nenehno kupujete njihove napitke ali zmrznjene obroke. Ali pa vas hočejo prepričati, da jeste nizko kalorično hrano. Nikoli nimate nadzora vi, vedno ste pod njihovim nadzorom," je zapisala pod videom. 

Novo na Metroplay: Tomi Meglič o globoki ustvarjalnosti, otroštvu in očetovstvu